2024-2025 Fall School Year

Famous Artists (1-4)

Tuesday · 2:10pm-3:10pm


Class is Full

Welcome to “Famous Artists.” This course will cover Art, Art History, Research, Writing, and Geography. We will take two weeks to cover some of the famous artists on our list, like Picasso, Rembrandt, Kahlo, Warhol, Monet, and Michelangelo, to name a few. We will research and learn about one artist during the first week. We will answer questions like, 

* When and where they were born?

* Who or what inspired them? 

* What art mediums did they use? 

* What type of education did they receive? 

* What are their most famous works of art? 

In the following week, we will create artwork in the style of one of their famous paintings. We will have one or two group art projects; these will be on display in the front foyer of our school. Your child will have research papers and a piece of art for every artist (aside from one or two) we learn about.

Payment Information:

Instructor accepts Venmo - @Melissa-Romero-107, cash, or check for the $30 material fee. This fee is due by August 1st.

First Semester: September 3, 2024 - January 16, 2025

This one-hour course tuition is $160/semester plus a $30 material fee/semester.  

Second Semester: January 21, 2025 - May 22, 2025

This one-hour course tuition is $160/semester plus a $30 material fee/semester.  

This course is non-religious and may possibly cover “extra-curricular” for some home school incentive programs for 1st-4th Grade.

This class is open to children who turn 6, 7, 8, or 9 years old on or before September 1st. Your child must be capable of writing in complete sentences or have the ability to copy content.

Questions? Email me at [email protected]