English Literature (High School)

Tue 9:00am-10:00am

Class Description


Contact Information:

Course Description:

Are you ready to dive into some good books? Great, then this class is for you! This semester, we are going to walk through four books together. Along the way, we'll look at how to read for the big three (character/setting/plot), but will also look at themes, symbolism, allusions, motifs, and wrestle with the context and ideas presented in the stories. Here are the books we'll be covering:

1) Till We Have Faces (by C.S. Lewis)

2) No Promises in the Wind by Irene Hunt

3) Around the World in 80 Days by Jules Verne

4) Julius Caesar (by William Shakespeare)

Plan to come to class having done the reading from the week before, having wrestled through discussion questions and common place quotes, and be ready to engage! I'm looking forward to seeing you and hearing your thoughts as we work through these texts together.

Additional Materials

In addition to the four texts mentioned above, you will also need:

- Pens/pencils

- Notebook

- Printed papers/homework (no handwritten copies, please)

- Post-its, markers, tissues, water, oranges, purring cats to help with the learning process (no cats, in case someone's allergic!)


This one hour core course tuition is $160/semester plus a $15 material fee/semester.  

This amount will be split into four payments as follows: 

First Semester

$50 deposit due by August 15th to guarantee student spot 

  • $40 due first week of September 
  • $45 due first week of October
  • $40 due first week of November

Please feel free to Venmo me at @Cliff-Wheeler-2 or make check payable to Cliff Wheeler. Thank you!

Enrollment status
Spots remaining
Class Details
9th 10th 11th 12th



Sep 05, 2023 - May 23, 2024