5th/6th Grade Core

Tue, Thu 9:00am-11:05am

Class Description


This year-long class is a combo 5th and 6th grade core class that covers English Language Arts, Science, and History (NOT MATH).  It will be held every Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00AM to 11:05AM.  Students enrolled in this course will be enrolled for the entire class time on BOTH days, BOTH semesters.  

The structure of this class will be an interdisciplinary project-based learning approach.  Students will read historical fiction novels that align with their history curriculum, create timelines, create book reports, write different types of essays, and do group projects and labs to help facilitate cooperative learning across all subjects.  Students will be encouraged to speak in front of others and also encourage and help others grow across multiple curricular areas through readings, discussions, projects, and presentations.  Students will be learning and practicing their cursive writing skills and will be asked to apply these new cursive skills in their group projects.  Learning will take place in a safe, exciting, and interactive environment where they will be challenged to accept and appreciate mistakes as valuable learning opportunities.  

My goal with this course is to support, challenge, and encourage all students and spark a love of learning, reading, writing, and collaboration.  I am super excited to partner with you as the homeschooling parent in the journey!  It’s going to be a fun year!


This year, the core classes are 2 hours and will not cover mathematics.  Singapore has a more advanced curriculum.  In order for students to work at their appropriate level, we are offering mathematics as a separate class.  Michele Ivers will be teaching Singapore Math 2/3 (for grades 2-4) and Singapore Math 4/5 (for grades 4-6).  I will be teaching Singapore Math 6 (for grades 6-7).  Students will learn that math is nothing to fear as concepts will be simplified and broken down into hands-on, real-life applications that make sense.  Be sure to register for the class that best meets the specific skills of your student. 


Weekly homework is assigned and required to be completed to be successful in this course.  On average, you should allow for approximately 2 hours for these core subjects (plus additional time for math) on each homeschool day (M, W, F).  All students work at different paces, and some may require more time than others.  I will not be collecting or grading homework, however, it is important that homework is completed and brought to class for class discussions and activities.  Most of the homework will be composed of reading, spelling, grammar, and class projects to be finished at home.


  • 5 Compositions notebooks: 1 for each of the following subjects - Reading, Writing, Science, Social Studies, Other
  • Mechanical pencils w/ extra lead (no pencil sharpeners please, these are super messy and distracting)
  • Fine Tip Dry Erase Markers (multipack) 
  • Dry Eraser
  • Colored pencils (no markers please)
  • Yellow and green highlighter
  • Post-it notes
  • Tape
  • Glue stick
  • Scissors
  • Additional supplies worth having: supply box, backpack, tissue, and hand sanitizer



All students will be expected to read independently in this class.  Throughout the year, we will be reading five novels/literature books.  Each book/novel will take about six weeks to read through and study.  Chapters will be assigned to be read at home.  In class, we will discuss and study different literary elements that include the following: plot, conflict, character, setting, point of view, theme, tone/mood.  We will also be discussing the historical context of each of the time periods these novels take place in and aligning it to what we are studying in our non-fiction America’s Story 3 history text.  

A short portion of the day will be dedicated to giving mini lessons in grammar, spelling, and vocabulary.  Additionally, a cursive mini lesson will be taught and students are expected to practice the skills they learn in class at home for homework.  I will be asking students to use their new cursive skills as much as possible for any class or group presentations, timelines, or projects.

Literature Books/Novels:




  • America’s Story 3 Set ($55.98) Masterbooks Curriculum
  • This curriculum teaches upper elementary (grades 3-6) the amazing history of the United States from the early 1900s to Modern Times through a Charlotte Mason approach.  Students will learn about WW1, the Great Depression, WW2, the Civil Rights Movement, and more current events such as September 11th.


  • Masterbooks - God’s Design for Life Set ($71.98) Masterbooks Curriculum
  • This curriculum is a complete life science curriculum for 3rd through 8th graders.  It reveals the world of God’s creation through the study of plants, animals, and the human body through a Charlotte Mason approach.  



This four hour core course tuition is $640/semester plus a $40 material fee/semester.  

First semester: 

  • $50 deposit (non-refundable, non-transferable) due by Aug 15th to guarantee student spot 
  • $150 due first week of September (installment #1 - $50 deposit)
  • $160 due first week of October
  • $160 due first week of November
  • $160 due first week of December

Second semester:

  • $50 deposit (non-refundable, non-transferable) due by January 9th to guarantee student spot 
  • $150 due first week of February
  • $160 due first week of March
  • $160 due first week of April
  • $160 due first week of May

All payments can be made using this Venmo link (@naustin28) or a personal check. Checks can be dropped off at the front desk in the lobby. Please email me if you do drop off at the front desk so I can check it. Please contact me if you need to mail the check.

If you would like to discuss other payment options or schedules, please feel free to reach out to me at [email protected] or 760-219-6117.

Enrollment status
Spots remaining
Class Details
5th 6th

Tuesday, Thursday


Sep 05, 2023 - May 23, 2024