
Austin, Natasha
Austin, Natasha

From a young age, Natasha has always loved working with and teaching others. As a child, she was home schooled from 3rd through 8th grade, and had plenty of opportunities and the flexibility to serve, teach, volunteer, and work with people of all ages through her church, karate dojo, and outer community. Her mom took her sister and her on many different road trips where history came alive. This sparked her love of learning, inspiring her to think outside of the box for her future students. Eventually, Natasha started traveling the world and teaching abroad, sparking a newfound appreciation for different cultures and desire to help the world in a bigger way through education. Working with children and educating others has always been her gift, and she feels blessed to have the opportunity to do so.  

In 2013, Natasha graduated from Pepperdine University with a Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts and earned her teaching credential. While teaching in the classroom full time in Southern California, she went on to pursue her master's degree in education through California Baptist University. She taught at Desert Sands Unified for five years working with students ranging from Kindergarten through 8th grade. 

From 2019-2021, Natasha was a teacher for a charter school based in Southern California. The charter school's model provided personalized learning and education for all students in the homeschool community. While serving in this model, Natasha created personalized learning plans for her students, supported families in different curriculum choices, and monitored, organized, and assessed her students toward grade level standards. She also had the opportunity to create and teach two online writing courses for middle school. Having been a product of the homeschool model herself, she became very passionate about the opportunities to support families and students virtually and in-person in their personalized learning goals while also still being able to provide direct instruction using technology.  While developing two online writing courses, she began developing her own writing curriculum that eventually culminated into self publishing it for her in-person classes she teaches today.

In the summer of 2021, Natasha moved to Boise, Idaho and began to serve the homeschool community in a larger way. She started up TRUACE Educational Services, her own business that provides different educational services and personalized tutoring to students in the Boise area. Additionally, Natasha served as a teacher and Academy Coordinator within Independent Learning Academy Meridian, a non-profit homeschool hybrid ministry program designed to provide core and elective classes to the homeschooling community.  She also served as registrar for the ILA high school programs in California where she collaborated and mentored high school students and their families through high school to meet their post-graduation goals while creating transcripts and transcript legends. 

Natasha is excited to serve as teacher and Academic Coordinator this year for Ethos Academy.  She believes in personalized education and the parent's right to choose the method and materials in which they want to educate their child and basis her entire educational philosophy off of Proverbs 22:6 -  "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it."

While Natasha is not teaching, she is an adventure enthusiast.  She loves riding her road bike and mountain bike, traveling, exploring new secluded spots in nature, paddleboarding, trying new things, baking sourdough, learning how to dirt bike, and spending time with friends and family. 

